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Mongolia, a landlocked country in East Asia and Central Asia, spans vast expanses of steppes, deserts, and rugged mountains. Here are some key factual aspects:

1. Geography:

  • Mongolia is the 18th largest country globally, covering an area of approximately 1.6 million square kilometers.
  • It is bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south, east, and west.

2. Capital and Cities:

  • Ulaanbaatar is the capital and largest city, serving as the political, cultural, and economic center.

3. Nomadic Tradition:

  • A significant part of Mongolia's population follows a nomadic lifestyle, relying on herding livestock such as horses, camels, goats, and yaks.

4. Land of the Eternal Blue Sky:

  • Mongolia is often referred to as the "Land of the Eternal Blue Sky" due to its clear, blue skies that prevail for much of the year.

5. Gobi Desert:

  • The southern part of Mongolia features the Gobi Desert, renowned for its unique landscapes, including vast sand dunes and rocky formations.

6. Wildlife:

  • Mongolia is home to diverse wildlife, including the elusive snow leopard, wild horses (Przewalski's horses), and various species of gazelles.

7. Religion:

  • Buddhism has a significant influence, and Mongolia is home to various monasteries, with Erdene Zuu Monastery being one of the oldest and most important.

8. Language:

  • The official language is Mongolian, written in the traditional script.

9. Independence:

  • Mongolia gained independence from Qing China in 1911 and later became a Soviet satellite state until its democratic transition in 1990.

10. Nadaam Festival:

  • The Nadaam Festival, featuring traditional sports such as wrestling, horse racing, and archery, is a major cultural event celebrated nationwide.

These factual elements provide a glimpse into the diverse and culturally rich tapestry that defines the nation of Mongolia.